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Five Healthy Tips That Give Us Optimum Health Benefits That Are Easy To Follow

Five Healthy Tips that give us optimum health benefits that are easy to follow but sometimes it’s hard to do. Most people are doing this already but some are not doing it consistently to get the results. As we all know that health is very important so that we can do our task or our daily activities without feeling sicked. And being sick is not a good feeling to have. Especially that virus is still exist, we need to have strong immune system to fight against viruses.

Healthy Eating – when you say healthy eating, it is natural food not processed food. Its is fresh fruits and vegetables. Processed food is what most people eating especially here in America because it is too easy to prepare and some are instant. You just heat in microwave for some minutes and ready to go or eat. This is one of the reasons why we have health issues, it is not a good food that our body needs. Fresh leafy green vegetables, fruits, fresh meat is what our body needs to function properly.

Drinking 8 to 10 Glasses Of water Everyday – some of us we don’t like drinking water because there is no flavor to taste. We would rather drink soft drinks or cola which is not good for our body. Our body need water to clean up toxins and washed it out. If you want to feel better drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day and not soda or soft drinks. You can still drink soda or soft drinks but just do it occasionally. But if you can do it without it, the better, it will help us feel better.

Exercise 15 to 30 Minutes A Day – give time to exercise, I know when we are busy, we tend to forget this routine. Just simple exercises, stretching, walking, jogging and let our body moves for a blood to flow and not stiff. People that exercise everyday is much happier than people that don’t have exercise. It helps enhances our mood and makes us feel better. You don’t have to go to the gym or enroll in Palates, you can do it at you own place and time.

Have Enough Rest – Six to Eight hours a day for adult is the suggested rest that our body needs. Enough rest is also needed to feel better each day. I notice that if I don’t have enough rest, I feel tired easily and I don’t have productive day. We can’t think straight or our alertness will lessen. Rest and relaxation will help our body invigorate and replenished. I know we have so many things to do and plans that sometimes we don’t want to rest because we want things done. But we need to think of our body sometimes, that our body need resting and relaxing.

Try Not To Stress – Stress is part of our life, because our body response to anything that requires attention or action. But the way responds to stress this can contribute our overall well-being especially to our health. This cause physical, emotional and psychological strain that will bring us down and create health damage if we don’t know how to manage stress in our life. We are all experienced stress at some point or we are all not stress free but we can handle our stress if we just let things happened and handle it nicely and find time to relax and let it go on whatever things that bother you or things that makes you stress.

I am not a health professional but I learned a lot from reading articles about health. Hope we can follow and apply these healthy tips so that we can live more longer life.

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